There is a growing understanding that breathwork is good for us. Within business frameworks mindfulness practices, meditation, breath work and psychological wellbeing is understood as the way to optimise business performance.
With yoga, and spiritual and wellbeing practices we know it helps optimise our personal wellbeing performance. As Music Industry professionals, we also know breath is important, not just for musicians for all! It makes us feel more alive, in touch with who we truly are and trauma needs to be resolved, in part through the breath. Whether you just want a spring clean, or you feel lost, stressed or need to start anew.
Reset your life and breath with Breath Reset: The Psyche Breathwork 4 days to spring clean your life.
Great course also for those who want to maintain their healthy lifestyle.
Push the pause button on your life and reset it on the road to feeling fully alive!
The Breath Intensive is a 4 day, residential course, which includes 10 breath bodywork sessions, individual and group coaching sessions and many psychologically based exercises that may offer support to those affected by anxiety, sleep problems, performance anxiety and/or blocks.
Psyche Breathwork, developed by Ali Bell and Denise Borland, is informed by psychological bodywork understanding and is designed to create self-awareness, safety and space to let go of the patterns that do not serve the participant best. This course is designed to allow space for each individual to build awareness and learn about their own limiting beliefs and behaviours, while offering suggestions and theories on new possibilities.
Who can benefit?
As breath is at the baseline of all human experience, breathwork can be beneficial for everyone, especially those who are aware of restrictions or difficulties in their current breathing pattern. Optimising our breath can help in all levels of performance – personal and professional – as we require oxygen for every process in our system, we can take our system from a surviving breath, to a thriving breath. People who suffer from shortness of breath, anxiety, sleep problems, voice loss, low mood and anyone who uses their voice professionally can benefit from this grounding, powerful bodywork.
How does it work?
The Breath Intensive is a 4 day, residential bespoke course, that allows space for each participant to explore their personal needs and goals. Each day involves two breath/bodywork sessions, where the participants are coached through different breathing patterns to optimise intake, release body/muscular holding patterns that are no longer wanted/needed by the participant and offer space for meditation, processing and/or letting go.
As well as the Breathwork sessions, there is a huge emphasis of psychological education and understanding, with coaching sessions throughout the week. This course is designed to offer tools to take away at the end of the week. The ultimate goal is to offer grounding and processing techniques that are easy to apply in normal life situations.
Day 1 Rest & Revive
There are few who wouldn’t want to catch their breath and press the pause button from time to time. This day is about introducing you to the idea of how harnessing your breath can help you get to calm fast, experience a wee rest to help revive you for the days and weeks ahead.
Day 2 Grounding Stabilise & Resource
We can all feel a wee bit wobbly sometimes…grounding breath and psychological techniques can help us to tackle anxiety and panic emotional overwhelm. This day will offer space and pragmatic solutions to get you feeling stronger and more resilient again.
Day 3 Deep dive
This days focus will be to Rewind the past stresses and emotional traumas so we can move forward without the emotional baggage left behind. De clutter, spring clean, defrag, however you put it…is it time to move on?
Day 4 Regrow and Power
sometimes we don’t know what holds us back from our achieving what we want for example, or feel we are depressed or unhappy and we don’t know why. This day is focussed on working through the blocks we have and creating new software strength and resilience and a Powerful 2.0 you
*Course content may differ where necessary as this course is participant lead.
**Can be booked as an outreach programme with additional requirements and costings
£1500 (inclusive of accommodation)