Upcoming events.

Breath Reset
Day 1 Rest & Revive
There are few who wouldn’t want to catch their breath and press the pause button from time to time. This day is about introducing you to the idea of how controlling your breath can help you get to calm fast, experience a wee rest to help revive you for the days and weeks ahead.
Day 2 Grounding Stabilise & Resource
We can all feel a wee bit wobbly sometimes…grounding breath and psychological techniques can help us to tackle anxiety and panic emotional overwhelm. This day will offer space and pragmatic solutions to get you feeling stronger and more resilient again.
Day 3 Deep dive
This days focus will be to Rewind the past stresses and emotional traumas so we can move forward without the emotional baggage left behind. De clutter, spring clean, defrag, however you put it…is it time to move on?
Day 4 Regrow and Power
sometimes we don’t know what holds us back from our achieving what we want for example, or feel we are depressed or unhappy and we don’t know why. This day is focussed on working through the blocks we have and creating new software strength and resilience and a Powerful 2.0 you
*Course content may differ where necessary as this course is participant lead.
There is a growing understanding that breathwork is good for us. Within business frameworks mindfulness practices, meditation, breath work and psychological wellbeing is understood as the way to optimise business performance.
With yoga, and spiritual and wellbeing practices we know it helps optimise our personal wellbeing performance. As Music Industry professionals, we also know breath is important, not just for musicians for all! It makes us feel more alive, in touch with who we truly are and trauma needs to be resolved, in part through the breath. Whether you just want a spring clean, or you feel lost, stressed or need to start anew. Reset your life and breath with Breath Reset: The Psyche Breathwork 4 days to spring clean your life. Great course also for those who want to maintain their healthy lifestyle.
Push the pause button on your life and reset it on the road to feeling fully alive!
The Breath Intensive is a 4 day, non-residential course, which includes 10 breath bodywork sessions, individual and group coaching sessions and many psychologically based exercises that may offer support to those affected by anxiety, sleep problems, performance anxiety and/or blocks. Psyche Breathwork, developed by Ali Bell and Denise Borland, is informed by psychological bodywork understanding and is designed to create self-awareness, safety and space to let go of the patterns that do not serve the participant best. This course is designed to allow space for each individual to build awareness and learn about their own limiting beliefs and behaviours, while offering suggestions and theories on new possibilities.
Who can benefit?
As breath is at the baseline of all human experience, breathwork can be beneficial for everyone, especially those who are aware of restrictions or difficulties in their current breathing pattern. Optimising our breath can help in all levels of performance – personal and professional – as we require oxygen for every process in our system, we can take our system from a surviving breath, to a thriving breath. People who suffer from shortness of breath, anxiety, sleep problems, voice loss, low mood and anyone who uses their voice professionally can benefit from this grounding, powerful bodywork.
How does it work?
The Breath Intensive is a 4 day, non-residential bespoke course, that allows space for each participant to explore their personal needs and goals. Each day involves two breath/bodywork sessions, where the participants are coached through different breathing patterns to optimise intake, release body/muscular holding patterns that are no longer wanted/needed by the participant and offer space for meditation, processing and/or letting go.
As well as the Breathwork sessions, there is a huge emphasis of psychological education and understanding, with coaching sessions throughout the week. This course is designed to offer tools to take away at the end of the week. The ultimate goal is to offer grounding and processing techniques that are easy to apply in normal life situations.
*Can be booked as an outreach programme with additional requirements and costings.
Early Bird - £1250 (inclusive of accommodation)
Full (from 1st February) - £1500
Book now following the link below:

Recharge at The Sanctuary (3 day retreat) by Live and Breathe Coaching
This 3-day retreat offers space in stunning, peaceful surroundings to rest, reflect and recharge. This programme is specially designed to support people who support others, and who may be at risk of, or experiencing burnout. There will be opportunities to let go of physical tension, re-regulate your Autonomic Nervous System, receive coaching and connect deeply with self and others.

Body Sync at the Sanctuary
An education in feeling and expression towards trauma recovery.
Join us at the Sanctuary for a deep dive, immersive experience focusing on aligning you with who you truly are.
During this weekend we will be working with body, taking time to reconnect and embody the self with confidence.
Take space to attune, align and connect to who you are.
We will also offer therapeutic voice work, Qi Gong and Spine Singing. Taking time to connect with self and others. Physically, emotionally and holistically bringing our whole selves to a healing environment of the Santuary - a place to unwind, learn new skills, be met where you are and ‘find your back bone’.
Early Bird - £795 (inclusive of accommodation)
Full (from 1st March) - £950

Voice Intensive
The Voice Intensive is a 5 day course to really get into understanding your voice and finding ways to help you optimise, integrate, befriend or excel. As the Voice Intensive is designed for the participants’ individual needs, we can cater for all voice and performance related concerns, including performance anxiety, creative blocks, recurring voiceloss and/or excessive tension and physical stress. As this is a small confidential group, all levels are welcome and catered for.
This bespoke programme is limited to 12 participants so that each individual goal can be worked towards. Whatever your individual want from your voice, that is what we will look at.
Based on The Singer’s Psyche research undertaken, we know having a holistic toolbox of vocal and psychological techniques and theories is the way to find, maintain and sustain a healthy, authentic voice.
The Voice Intensive is the practical rolling out of this cutting edge, voice and performance psychology based pedagogy.
Each day consists of vocal technique, breath and bodywork sessions, group and individual vocal performance coaching and psychological education – all shaped by the particular needs of the group. Throughout this course each participant is invited to collect the specific tools and techniques that have been beneficial to form their own toolbox.
Some of our specialist areas include embodied performance, authentic vocal development, vocal techniques (spanning various genres), microphone technique and recording studio skills (in our onsite bespoke recording studio). For the fearful and the fearless alike!
Early Bird - £2000 (inclusive of accommodation)
Full (from 1st May) - £2400

Soul Spa
Suitable for Professional Care givers, Psychological Health Professionals, Singing and Voice Teachers and individuals that need time to Resource, Rebalance and Retreat. Take Space for you.
A four day programme of work designed for and tailored to the needs and wants of the participants.
This immersive course incorporates many of the therapeutic tools we use at Noble House including psychological theories and models, communication skills, breath and bodywork and voice, all experienced in the holding space of a confidential group.
Soul Spa aims to support participants to feel more fully alive, free in themselves and more authentic in their communication, or work through that issue that they never quite can make sense of!
Early Bird - £1400 (inclusive of accommodation)
Full (from 1st August) - £1700

Home - Vocal Artist Retreat
Vocal artists wellbeing, songwriting and understanding the creative process through nurturing your authentic voice and artistry. From idea - that inner push to create vocal music - through the song writing process and/or creative blocks.
Production, turning front facing, performance, rehearsals, anxiety… to the business of music and exploring your positioning and goals. We will bring all we know from our research over 60 year combined experience both teaching and performing and creating ourselves. We know this can be an isolating process… beyond isolation and competition to purpose and connection Join us as we together co create and navigate your way home to you as the vocal artist you are!
Elevating your vocal artistry and authentic sound.